
    Application of hyperspectral remote sensing technology to regional geological survey and mapping in bedrock area

    • 摘要: 高光谱遥感以其超高的光谱维数据优势,使对地物的精细识别和区分能力较传统多光谱遥感数据有质的提升。以HyMap高光谱数据和高分五号高光谱数据为数据源,选择中国西部基岩区区域开展了高光谱遥感岩性-构造解译工作。通过图像增强处理后,对研究区地层单元、岩体/脉、构造等进行了遥感地质解译。对比已有的地质调查结果,发现高光谱遥感数据相较多光谱/高分数据对岩性-构造信息的展布情况显示得更加清晰和直观,同时其对不同岩性段、不同岩相带,以及细小构造等区分能力突出,表现出明显的技术优势。研究认为,高光谱遥感可为基岩区区域地质填图提供更加客观、真实的地质体、构造展布情况,能提高地质调查填图的效率和质量。


      Abstract: Compared with the traditional multi-spectral remote sensing data, hyperspectral remote sensing has the advantage of ultra-high spectral dimension data, which makes its ability of fine recognition and discrimination of ground objects improved qualitatively.Using HyMap hyperspectral data and GF-5 hyperspectral data as data sources, the litho-structural interpretation was carried out in the bedrock area of western China.Through image enhancement processing, remote sensing geological interpretation of stratigraphic units, intrusives/veins and structures in the study area was carried out.Compared with the existing geological survey results, it is found that the hyperspectral remote sensing data is more clear and intuitive than the multispectral and high resolution data in the distribution of litho-structural information.Meanwhile, the hyperspectral remote sensing data have prominent ability to distinguish different lithology, different lithofacies and small structures, showing obvious technical advantages.The results show that hyperspectral remote sensing can provide more objective and real geological body and structure distribution for regional geological mapping in the bedrock area, and improve the efficiency and quality of geological mapping.


