Application of geometric precision correction based on high-resolution Remote Sensing Image in 1:50000 geological mapping
Abstract:The high resolution remote sensing images can play an important role in the 1:50000 geological mapping in the alpine-gorge area with high altitude, deep cutting and poor crossing conditions.However, the remote sensing image products provided by the current market cannot match the working base maps such as field position information and topographic maps, and their geometric accuracy seriously restricts the field investigation of geological mapping.In order to solve this practical problem, a set of geometric precision correction techniques for high resolution remote sensing images is proposed by using high resolution remote sensing image SPOT7 and exemplifying Saishiteng Mountain in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as an example.Based on the fusion registration of high-resolution remote sensing images, this method innovates the semi-automatic man-machine interactive ground control point selection method, as well as the techniques of mass selection and spatial uniform distribution of typical feature control points.Through repeatedly checking and improving the geometric accuracy of corrected remote sensing images, the geometric precision correction of high-resolution remote sensing images is realized.The corrected remote sensing images give full play to the leading role of remote sensing technology, greatly improve the efficiency of field geological mapping, and can provide technical reference for geometric precision correction of high resolution remote sensing images in complex terrain areas.
表 1 研究区野外典型露头点坐标
Table 1 Coordinates of the typical outcrops in the study area
点号 X Y 典型露头 SH01 E93°48′33.8652" N38°36′34.488" 灰绿色中细粒辉长-闪长岩脉宏观特征 SH02 E93°53′16.0152" N38°39′11.898" 灰色中粗粒片麻状石英闪长岩及其中发育的浅肉红色中细粒正长花岗岩脉 SH03 E93°55′22.6344" N38°36′15.6888" 中粗粒钾化花岗岩脉,晚期的细粒辉长岩侵入其中 SH04 E93°55′44.436" N38°34′57.36" 灰白色花岗细晶岩脉宏观特征 SH05 E93°57′22.1436" N38°36′54.7056" 灰白色细晶花岗岩脉特征 SH06 E93°57′40.8024" N38°35′5.928" 灰黑色石英片岩与大理岩接触部位 SH07 E93°58′30.2484" N38°35′21.1884" 黄色云母片岩夹灰绿色绿泥石英片岩 SH08 E93°59′43.8432" N38°38′34.5444" 灰黑色中粒辉长岩及其中发育的大理岩透镜体 SH09 E93°59′40.1172" N38°32′21.3036" 灰褐色黑云斜长片麻岩中的浅色脉体,发育揉流褶皱 SH10 E93°59′53.4876" N38°35′55.5252" 灰绿色中细粒闪长岩宏观(硅化、褐铁矿化强烈) -
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