AMS 14C测年揭示的渤海湾沿海低地第Ⅱ海相层年龄

    The age of the second marine layer in coastal lowland of Bohai Bay revealed by AMS 14C dating method

    • 摘要: 在渤海湾沿海低地地区获得4个机械钻孔,结合AMS 14C测年方法,对Ⅱ海的年龄进行了研究。结果显示,在Ⅱ海所在层位获得的14C样品年龄均大于43.5ka BP,说明渤海湾沿海低地地区Ⅱ海形成于MIS 3早期或MIS 5,而不是前人认为的23~39ka。建议在前人地层结构研究成果的基础上,系统开展Ⅱ海年龄研究。


      Abstract: Four drilling cores were collected from coastal lowland of Bohai Bay, and AMS 14C dating method was used to study the age of the second marine layer in coastal low land of Bohai Bay. The dating results of the samples collected form the second marine layer show that the ages are all older than 43.5ka BP, which indicates that the formation of the second marine layer occurred in early MIS3 or MIS 5 rather than 23~39ka as previously considered. Based on previous stratigraphic studies, the authors hold that systematic investigation should be carried out for the age of the second marine layer on coastal lowland of Bohai Bay.


