
    GML-based territorial planning multi-source heterogeneous data integration model

    • 摘要: 国土规划所需的数据来自于土地、水、矿产等多主题数据,数据生产、存储、调用的方式具有多样性,给数据集成应用带来了极大的困扰。为了解决这个问题,在分析地理标记语言(GML)格式特征的基础上,提出了一种基于GML的国土规划多源异构数据集成模型,分析了基于该模型的多源异构数据集成技术流程,实现了MapGIS数据、ArcGIS数据向GML数据的转换和集成分析。实践验证,该方法在一定程度上可满足国土规划应用的需求。


      Abstract: Territorial planning needs overall consideration of various kinds of territorial resources and an integrated application of land, water, minerals, industrial layout, population distribution and economic subject data. The data are scattered in different departments but have some common characteristics: spatial data constitute the data subject, and the attribute data are closely related to spatial data, decentralized collection, space partition, and theme layers. In order to solve the problem of diversity in data format, production, storage and usage, the authors, on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of GML, proposed a GML-based territorial planning multi-source heterogeneous data integration model, analyzed the process for multi-source heterogeneous data integration, and achieved the conversion of the MapGIS data into GML data. Tests prove that the method can to some extent meet the demand of territorial planning application.


