Metallogenic belt division and prospecting prediction for the advantageous ores in Bolivia based on remote sensing geological interpretations
Graphical Abstract
Tin, tungsten, and antimony deposits are the advantageous deposits in Bolivia. Based on ETM remote sensing image and methods of remote sensing geological interpretation, the authors interpreted the distribution of the advantageous ores. The Cordillera metallogenic belt was selected based on the remote sensing geological interpretations and was divided into two metallogenic subbelts of Cordillera Oriental and Cordillera Occidental. The metallogenic belt in space has characteristics of different partitions in the east and the west and different zones in the north and the south. The metallogenic belt has characteristics of early in the east belt and later in the west belt and early in the north partition and later in the south partition in time. Metallogenic geological conditions of the advantageous ores were analyzed. Different grade prospecting prediction areas were divided according to different scales of remote sensing geological interpretations and metallogenic geological conditions. Strategic selected provinces were put forward through 1:1000000 remote sensing geological interpretation. Key metallogenic regions were proposed through 1:250000 remote sensing geological interpretation. Prospecting prediction areas were delineated through 1:50000 remote sensing geological interpretation.