SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the Liubatang Formation in the Jinning area, Yunnan Province, and its implication for the Jinning Movement
Graphical Abstract
This paper reports SHRIMP zircon U-Pb (890±9Ma, 834±34Ma) and Hf isotopic analyses of tuff from Liubatang Formation of Qingbaikou System in Jinning County, Yunnan Province. The authors investigated the tectonic background and regional stratigraphic correlation in Yunnan and provided qualified data for the stratigraphic correlation between South China and North China in Qingbaikouan period. Hf isotopic analysis of samples of LBT26-3 and LBT24-4 was conducted. The characteristics of Hf isotopic diagram show that the tuff of the Liubatang Formation came from the Mesoproterozoic magma with the addition of very insignificant crustal composition. The SHRIMP U-Pb dating mentioned above provides new evidence for the metamorphosed strata correlation in Yunnan Province.