Discovery of spores from the epimetamorphic rocks in southern Anhui and its geological significance
Graphical Abstract
The epimetamorphic rocks of Xikou Group is extensively exposed in southern Anhui Province, but their age remains a problem of much controversy in spite of much work done. The present work was based on collective and extensive studies of Late Devonian spores (15 genus, 25 species) found in various areas of southern Anhui. The composition of the spores assemblage from the epimetamorphic rocks was discussed and the value of the assemblage for stratigraphic correlation was assessed. The authors made direct comparisons of the epimetamorphic spore assemblage with assemblages of similar Late Devonian ages from south, southwest, and west Tarim Basin, and also with those from the late Late Devonian spore zones in Western Europe, Russia and North America. It is concluded that the age of the spore assemblage is late Late Devonian, equivalent to the late Famennian of Western Europe.