Geochronographic dating of the Tieshajie Formation in the Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault zone and its implications
Graphical Abstract
This paper will report some SHRIMP U-Pb ages (1132Ma±8Ma, 1140Ma±7Ma, 1143Ma±9Ma and 1172Ma±10Ma) of meta-rhyolite of the Tieshajie Formation in the Jiao-Shao fault zone, which belongs to the Northern margin of Cathaysia. Combine of those dating, we will try to discuss the tectonic set of the Tianli schist, Zhoutan Complex and Wanyuan Complex. According to the isotopic dating, it is important for limit the strata correlation and tectonic evolution in the Jiao-Shao fault zone. The dating above mentioned shows the depositional strata of an ace-basin system in 1.1Ga, which is represented inner ace between the Yangtze and Cathayasia and the Huaiyu area is an extensional basin of the back-are. The chronostratigraphic dating of the Tieshajie Formation proved the reliable isotopic evidence for the correlation of the metamorphosed strata in the Jiang-Shao fault zone.