New dromaeosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan area, western Henan, China
Graphical Abstract
A new dromaeosaurid dinosaur Luanchuanraptor henanensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on the following characters:about 24 posterior serrations per 5 millimeters on the posterior carnia of teeth; the proximal and posterior extensions of the haemal arch are short and trifurcated; the elongated prezygapophyses of the distal-most caudal vertebrae wrapped the preceding vertebra and the caudal vertebrae bear a low, blade-like neural spine between the prezygapophyses; the medial surface of the coracoid is strongly concave; the shaft of the humerus is straight and the deltopectoral crest extends over almost the proximal half of the humerus. Luanchuanraptor henanensis represents the first dromaeosaurid dinosaur found outside the Gobi region and northeastern China in Asia.