Collision between the Indian plate and the paleoAsian plate and the appearance of Asian dinosaurs.
Graphical Abstract
About 55 Ma ago, the India plate collided with the Asian plate, forming the E-W-trending Yarlung Zangbo drainage system and Himalaya mountain range. According to recent studies, the authors propose the following new view: a similar collision between the above-mentioned plates had already taken place 200 Ma ago (in the Early Jurassic), which put a Gondwana dinosaurs fauna originating in Africa and South America on the Asian continent, forming a Lufengosaurus-Shunosaurus-Omeisaurus-Mamenchisaurus fauna in southwestern China. This event not only brought Asia dinosaurs but also gave rise to the S-N-trending Hengduan Mountains and such longitudinal drainage systems as the Irrawaddy River, Nujiang River, Lancang-Mekong River and Jinsha River in South Asia and the Sichuan basin in China.