ZHANG Jianxin, MENG Fancong, YANG Jingsui. 2003: Eclogitic metapelites in the western segment of the northQaidam basin and their geological implications. Geological Bulletin of China, 22(9): 655-657.
ZHANG Jianxin, MENG Fancong, YANG Jingsui. 2003: Eclogitic metapelites in the western segment of the northQaidam basin and their geological implications. Geological Bulletin of China, 22(9): 655-657.
ZHANG Jianxin, MENG Fancong, YANG Jingsui. 2003: Eclogitic metapelites in the western segment of the northQaidam basin and their geological implications. Geological Bulletin of China, 22(9): 655-657.
ZHANG Jianxin, MENG Fancong, YANG Jingsui. 2003: Eclogitic metapelites in the western segment of the northQaidam basin and their geological implications. Geological Bulletin of China, 22(9): 655-657.