Dynamic evolution and tectonic significance of the Tanlu fault zone(Anhui segment)
Graphical Abstract
According to the regional tectonic layer division and proceeding from a dynamic analysis of faults in the youngest strata,analysis was performed layer by layer along the Tanlu fault zone.Through sta-tistical analysis and calculation of striations on fault planes by means of the computer program,the pale-ostress state at every point is obtained,and then the state of the regional paleostress field is obtained.After that,the characters of paleostress fields in which fault movements occur in different periods of time can be determined.Finally a complete and successive evolutionary sequence of the paleostress field can be deter-mined.On that basis,combined with an analysis of the features of regional tectonic deformation the se-quence of tectonic events occurring in the fault zone and its significance can be elucidated.