XIE Xuejin, CHENG Hangxin, XIE Yuanru. 2002: Analytic methods and quality in the compilation of 76element sgeochem ical atla s of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi Provinces of China(1):Similarity of geochemical maps compiled from data generated by different laboratories-Examples. Geological Bulletin of China, 21(6): 277-284.
XIE Xuejin, CHENG Hangxin, XIE Yuanru. 2002: Analytic methods and quality in the compilation of 76element sgeochem ical atla s of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi Provinces of China(1):Similarity of geochemical maps compiled from data generated by different laboratories-Examples. Geological Bulletin of China, 21(6): 277-284.
XIE Xuejin, CHENG Hangxin, XIE Yuanru. 2002: Analytic methods and quality in the compilation of 76element sgeochem ical atla s of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi Provinces of China(1):Similarity of geochemical maps compiled from data generated by different laboratories-Examples. Geological Bulletin of China, 21(6): 277-284.
XIE Xuejin, CHENG Hangxin, XIE Yuanru. 2002: Analytic methods and quality in the compilation of 76element sgeochem ical atla s of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi Provinces of China(1):Similarity of geochemical maps compiled from data generated by different laboratories-Examples. Geological Bulletin of China, 21(6): 277-284.