    FENG Cheng-jun, CHEN Qun-ce, LI Guo-qi, QIN Xiang-hui, MENG Wen
    Abstract PDF
    Neotectonics, active tectonics and earthquake geology
    WU Zhong-hai, ZHANG Yue-qiao, HU Dao-gong
    Abstract PDF
    New progress and prospects of neotectonics and active tectonics synthetical study on eastern edge Qinghai-Xizang plateau
    LIU Feng-shan, WU Zhong-hai, ZHANG Yue-qiao, YANG Zhen-yu, WANG Shu-bing, ZHANG Hu, TONG Ya-bo, LI Hai-long
    Abstract PDF
    Active faults and earthquake around Yushu in eastern Tibetan Plateau
    WU Zhong-hai, ZHOU Chun-jing, FENG Hui, ZHANG Ke-qi, LI Jia-cun, YE Pei-sheng, LI Yue-hua, TIAN Ting-ting
    Abstract PDF
    The active faults interaction, stress triggering and differential responses on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau
    ZHAO Gen-mo, WU Zhong-hai, LIU Yan-hui
    Abstract PDF
    A preliminary study of the climate and environment of Yushu area in Qinghai Province based on the carbon-bearing strata in trenches and profiles
    ZHANG Ke-qi, WU Zhong-hai, NIMA Ci-ren, FENG Hui, LI Jia-cun, LI Yue-hua, MA Dan, LIU Yan-hui, JIANG Yao, ZHOU Chun-jing, TIAN Ting-ting
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical modeling analysis of the rotation deformation mechanism of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
    FAN Tao-yuan, SUN Yu-jun, WU Zhong-hai
    Abstract PDF
    The characteristics of palaeo-earthquake landslides along Yushu faulted zone and their ages
    JIANG Yao, WU Zhong-hai, LIU Yan-hui, TIAN Ting-ting, ZHANG Duo, HUANG Xiao-long, HUANG Xiao-jin
    Abstract PDF
    Rupture process of the 2010 Mw6.9 Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province
    WANG Xun, ZHOU Yun, SUN Meng, WANG Wei-min
    Abstract PDF
    Remote sensing image interpretation and tectonic activity study of the main active faults in Yushu area, Qinghai Province
    LI Jia-cun, WU Zhong-hai, ZHANG Duo, LIU Xiao-dong
    Abstract PDF
    Structural analysis of the co-seismic surface ruptures associated with the Yushu Ms7.1 earthquake, Qinghai Province
    ZHOU Chun-jing, WU Zhong-hai, NIMA Ci-ren, LI Jia-cun, JIANG Yao, LIU Yan-hui
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on the seismic and geological significance of the seismic rockfall along the Yushu faulted zone in Qinghai Province
    TIAN Ting-ting, WU Zhong-hai, MA Zhi-bang, FENG Hui, NIMA Ci-ren, JIANG Yao, ZHANG Xu-jiao, ZHANG Duo
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic geomorphology and Quaternary tectonic activity in the northwest Yunnan rift zone
    HUANG Xiao-jin, WU Zhong-hai, LI Jia-cun, NIMA Ci-ren, LIU Yan-hui, HUANG Xiao-long, ZHANG Duo
    Abstract PDF