魏书章, 李焕康. 1983: 内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗泥盆系. 地质通报, (6): 67-82.
    引用本文: 魏书章, 李焕康. 1983: 内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗泥盆系. 地质通报, (6): 67-82.
    WEI Shu-zhang, LI Huan-kang. 1983: THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM OF THE DONG UJIMQIN BANNER,NEI MONGGOL. Geological Bulletin of China, (6): 67-82.
    Citation: WEI Shu-zhang, LI Huan-kang. 1983: THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM OF THE DONG UJIMQIN BANNER,NEI MONGGOL. Geological Bulletin of China, (6): 67-82.



    • 摘要: 内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗(简称东乌旗)地处我国北部边疆,过去这一地区地质研究程度较差,少而零星,且不系统。通过一比二十万区域地质调查,对该区进行了全面系统地研究。发现该区泥盆系出露比较齐全,层位连续,含有极其丰富的化石,是我国北方研究泥盆纪地层、古生物的有利地区之一。笔者参加了该区一比二十万区域地质调查工作,亲自参加测制了地层剖面。经分队全体同志共同努力,华北和东北地质研究所有关同志提供了化石鉴定资料,我们对该区泥盆系重新进行了划分,分为三个统(上统、中统和下统),并新建立了六个组。现由老至新


      Abstract: Devonian strata are well developed and well exposed in the Dong Ujim- qin Banner,Nei Monggol.They have a relatively complete sequence and contain an abundance of fossils.So this area is a favourable area for studying the Devonian System of northern China.Through regional surveys on a scale of 1.200000,a section has been constructed.The Devonian is divided into the upper,middle and lower series,and six formations have been newly established.The six formations are descrided from the base upward as follows: (1)The Baruntehua Formation(D~1b)of the lower Devonian,consisting mainly of tuffaceous siltstone,argillaceous siltstone and argillite and contain- ing relatively abundant brachiopods and coral fossils,1119m thick. (2)The Aobaotinghundi Formation(D~1a)of the lower Devonian,consist- ing mainly of argillaceous siltstone and tuffaceous siltstone and containing abundant brachiopod fossils,499m thick. (3)The Wendur Aobaote Formation(D~2w)of the middle Devonian, consisting mainly of tuff and siltstone and containing an abundance of bra- chiopod and coral fossils,1228m thick. (4)The Tarbagt Formation(D2t)of the middle Devonian,consisting mainly of siliceous siltstone,argillaceous siltstone and slate and containing brachiopod and coral fossils,1501m thick. (5)The Cailunguoshao Formtion(D3c)of tge upper Devonian,consisting mainly of medium-to fine-grained grawacke arkose in the upper part and argillaceous siltstone in the lower part,containing an abundance of brachiopod fossils,564m thick. (6)The Angel Yinwula Formation(D3α)of the upper Devonian,consist- ing mainly of silty sandstone and slate and containing small quantities of plant fossils and spores and spollen,4496m thick. The above-mentioned results of regional surveys provide reliable infor- mation for a further study of the Devonian strata of China,particularly the Devonian of northern China,and are of certain significance for the study of the development history of the geological structures of northern China.


