
    Extensional tectonics in Shimian-Mianning district, Sichuan

    • 摘要: 研究区在中生代造山过程中 ,以穹隆状变形变质体发育为特征。可分为岩浆核杂岩和变质核杂岩。前者位于地槽区 ,具前造山期隆—滑构造变形、造山期和后造山期的收缩及伸展变形的演化 ,与碲矿关系密切 :后者位于地台区 ,经历了伸展滑脱、逆冲—推覆和平移剪切变形过程 ,对区内金矿的形成、分布起重要控制作用


      Abstract: The study areas are characterized by the well developed dome deformation and metamorphism rocks during the Mesozoic orogenic phases, and the rocks in the areas can be divided into two types: igneous nucleus complex and metamorphic nucleus complex. The former is situated in geosynclinal area, showing the evolutional characteristics of dome and glide deformation of pre orogenic stage, contracted and extensional deformation of orogenic and post orogenic phase, and is relative with tellurium deposit greatly. The latter is located in a platform, and its tectonic evolution includes extensional decollement, thrust nappe, strike slip and shear deformation, which play a great role in controlling the formation and distribution of gold deposits in the areas.


