On the basis of an analysis of the features of tectonic deformation in the Xuefeng uplift area,Hunan, three major stages of tectonic deformation that this uplift area had undergone since theMiddle Proterozoic have been distinguished: terminal Middle Proterozoic Wuling tectonic defor-mation-initial formation of the northern Xuefeng uplifti Caledonian (terminal Early Paleozoic) tec-tonic deformation-formation of the southern Xuefeng uplift and initial formation of the unifiedXuefeng uplift; Indosinian and Yanshanian (Mesozoic) superimposed tectonic deformation-finalformation of the Xuefeng uplift. The Caledonian movement at the end of the Silurian was an im-portant movement for the formation of the Xuefeng uplift.