程裕淇, 闻广. 1982: 区域成矿分析若干问题. 地质通报, (2): 93-101.
    引用本文: 程裕淇, 闻广. 1982: 区域成矿分析若干问题. 地质通报, (2): 93-101.
    CHENG Yu-qi, WEN Guang. 1982: ON CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL MINEROGENETIC ANALYSIS. Geological Bulletin of China, (2): 93-101.
    Citation: CHENG Yu-qi, WEN Guang. 1982: ON CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL MINEROGENETIC ANALYSIS. Geological Bulletin of China, (2): 93-101.



    • 摘要: 区域成矿分析,是在对一定地区内的地质、矿产等特征的认识基础上,研究分析其生成与分布的规律——成矿规律。分析是为了认识规律,而认识规律,又是为了进一步的分析,并指出找矿方向。成矿远景区划,是研究分析成矿规律,预测矿产远景,区划有关工作的部署。这是一个系列的研究分析工作,工作部署的区划取决于对矿产远景的预测,而矿产远景的预测又


      Abstract: Regional minerogenetic (or metallogenic) analysis aims at studying the regularity of the formation and distribution of mineral deposits, or minerogenesis, on the basis of due understanding of the characteristics of geology and mineral deposits of certain regions. The purpose of such an investigation is to study the minerogenetic law and to predict where to search for the mineral deposits concerned. Mineral deposits and their classification, genetic types and type-groups, minerogenetic models, minerogenetic series and minerogenetic theories are all historical concepts which will be modified and improved with the progress of time. Besides the various traditional classifications, the mineral deposits could also be grouped as according to their utilization character, so to say, into two main categories, i. e., those being utilized for their compositions, or constituting materials, such as iron, copper ores, deposits, etc., and others utilized directly for their physical properties and characters, such as muscovite, ashestoes, etc. The former may be further subdivided into organic and inorganic. They differ not only in their utilization characters, but also in their conditions of formation and the important problems to be tackled concerning the source of material and other aspects of their regional meinerogenetic analysis. It is of paramount importance to discuss the geological background of mineralization, which in the main is comparable to that of three major types of rocks, whether the source of material is direct or indirect, simple or complex, etc., and also the geological factors that control the enrichment of mineral substance, such as tectonic and structural conditions, medium for the transportation of the material, the petrological and geochemical characters of the rocks or rock formations related, in one way or other, to mineralization, etc. Combination of minerogenetic heredity (or heritage) and minerogenetic neogenesis, or in other words, repeated juvenscence of mineral deposits of different genetic types and minerals, is universal and also one of the main characters of minerogenetic regularity in China. The concept ot minerogenetic series, as has already been defined, is actually based on the consideration of the regional geological background for the mineralization as an entity and the difference in concrete mineral-forming (mineralizing)conditions, and also the entire evolutional range of the mineralization of a certain minerogenetic epoch and a certain geological unit,a geologically well-defined region. It is the theoretical basis of genetic classification of deposits, and also for the establishment of minerogenetic models and mineral-prognostic researches.


