牛志军, 段其发, 傅泰安, 徐安武, 曾波夫, 朱应华. 2000: 湖北建始—巴东地区茅口组顶部古岩溶不整合面的发现. 地质通报, 19(3): 276-280+338.
    引用本文: 牛志军, 段其发, 傅泰安, 徐安武, 曾波夫, 朱应华. 2000: 湖北建始—巴东地区茅口组顶部古岩溶不整合面的发现. 地质通报, 19(3): 276-280+338.
    2000: Paleokarst unconformity on top of the Maokou Formation in the Jianshi-Badong area, Hubei: its discovery and significance. Geological Bulletin of China, 19(3): 276-280+338.
    Citation: 2000: Paleokarst unconformity on top of the Maokou Formation in the Jianshi-Badong area, Hubei: its discovery and significance. Geological Bulletin of China, 19(3): 276-280+338.


    Paleokarst unconformity on top of the Maokou Formation in the Jianshi-Badong area, Hubei: its discovery and significance

    • 摘要: 湖北建始—巴东地区茅口组顶部存在古岩溶不整合面 ,有较多陆上暴露标志。该不整合面形成于早二叠世茅口期Neoschwagerinahaydeni带末 ,构成了碳酸盐台地上典型的Ⅱ型层序界面。这一发现是孤峰组的深水盆地成因论被否定的有力证据。


      Abstract: Numerous marks of subaerial exposures indicate an important paleokarst unconformity surface on the top of the Maokou Formation in the Jianshi Badong area, Hubei, which constitutes a typical II type sequence boundary of the carbonate platform. The unconformity was formed in the terminal part of the Early Permian Maokouan aged Neoschwagerina haydeni Zone. The discovery of the unconformity is powerful evidence for denying the deep water view for the origin of the Gufeng Formation.


