王立亭, 叶念曾, 秦大康, 陈忠富. 1983: 贵州省早二叠世岩相古地理概论. 地质通报, (1): 23-38.
    引用本文: 王立亭, 叶念曾, 秦大康, 陈忠富. 1983: 贵州省早二叠世岩相古地理概论. 地质通报, (1): 23-38.
    WANG Li-ting, YE Nian-ceng, QIN Da-kang, CHEN Zhong-fu. 1983: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF THE EARLY PERMIAN LITHOFACIES AND PALEOGEOGRAPHICAL MAP OF GUIZHOU. Geological Bulletin of China, (1): 23-38.
    Citation: WANG Li-ting, YE Nian-ceng, QIN Da-kang, CHEN Zhong-fu. 1983: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF THE EARLY PERMIAN LITHOFACIES AND PALEOGEOGRAPHICAL MAP OF GUIZHOU. Geological Bulletin of China, (1): 23-38.



    • 摘要: 一、前言贵州下二叠统分布广泛,发育完整,层序清楚、化石丰富,主要为碳酸盐岩,局部见碎屑岩。本统蕴藏着煤、铁、铝、锰、锑、汞等多种矿产。在地质部岩相古地理协作组、成都地质学院沉积岩教研室的指导下,在贵州省地质局102地质队,112地质队密切配合下,我队利用1:20万区调资料和石油系统以及其他勘探队剖面(共160余条)资料,并实测或检查了剖面共14条,采集了各种试样三千余件;运用


      Abstract: This paper consists of three parts. The first part discusses the classification of the early Permian carbonate rocks of Guizhou and describes their main types. In the second part, the fossils in the early Permian carbonate strata of Guizhou are grouped into 9 assemblages, according to the biotic fossil composition,ecological types of organisms,the state of preservation and distribution of fossils and their relationships, and the environmental implication of each assemblage is discussed. The third part deals with the basic configuration of the early Permian lithofacies and paleogeography of Guizhou. According to the rock and biochemical associations together with the section structure and special sedimentary structure, the early Permian sedimentary facies and facies zones of Guizhou may be classified as follows: (?)Shallow marine basin facies zone—shallow marine shelf facies zone During the early Permian Guizhou underwent a complete cycle of transgression and regression. The early Maokou stage witnessed the maximum of the transgression. The evolution of the early Permian lithofacies and paleogeography in Guizhou roughly involves two stages:the early Qixia stage and the late Qixia-late Maokou stage.The early Qixia stage is represented by turbid-water—clear-water gentle slope deposits, and has the following features: (1) clastic rocks and carbonate rocks are developed simultaneously, and(2) the carbonate platform margin facies zone marked by the development of bioherms or biotic beaches is not prominent. The late Qixia—late Maokou stage is represented by clear-water carbonate platform deposits, and has the following features:(1) the deposits are all carbonate rocks, and (2) the carbonate platform margin facies zone is pronounced, biotic beaches or bioherms being well developed. The general framework of the early Permian sedimentary environment in Guizhou may be divided into two parts:a shallow-water carbonate platform over broad areas of central and northern Guizhou, and a shallow marine basin in part of southern Guizhou. Biotic beaches or bioherms are distributed discontinuously in the contact zone between both, i. e. along the line connecting Londian, Ziyun, Wangmo, Ceheng, Anlong, Xingren and Xingyi.


