陈圆圆, 侯德华, 潘志龙, 专少鹏, 李仰春, 黄辉. 2021: 典型地区基础地质图智能编图实践——以内蒙古北山地区1:25万甜水井幅为例. 地质通报, 40(6): 955-967.
    引用本文: 陈圆圆, 侯德华, 潘志龙, 专少鹏, 李仰春, 黄辉. 2021: 典型地区基础地质图智能编图实践——以内蒙古北山地区1:25万甜水井幅为例. 地质通报, 40(6): 955-967.
    CHEN Yuanyuan, HOU Dehua, PAN Zhilong, ZHUAN Shaopeng, LI Yangchun, HUANG Hui. 2021: Practice of intelligent mapping from basic geological maps in typical areas 1:250 000 scale Tianshuijin mapping in Beishan area Inner Mongolia. Geological Bulletin of China, 40(6): 955-967.
    Citation: CHEN Yuanyuan, HOU Dehua, PAN Zhilong, ZHUAN Shaopeng, LI Yangchun, HUANG Hui. 2021: Practice of intelligent mapping from basic geological maps in typical areas 1:250 000 scale Tianshuijin mapping in Beishan area Inner Mongolia. Geological Bulletin of China, 40(6): 955-967.


    Practice of intelligent mapping from basic geological maps in typical areas 1:250 000 scale Tianshuijin mapping in Beishan area Inner Mongolia

    • 摘要: 以中大比例尺资料编制小比例尺地质图是国家基础地质数据建设中的重要内容,而常规数字化编图方法中存在重复工作量大、耗时长的问题。随着大数据技术、云计算、人工智能在地学领域的运用,基于GIS平台的智能化地质编图技术应运而生。基于一款由专家知识及数据库驱动的地质调查综合智能编图系统"智绘地质iMapower"MapGIS版,建立了1:5万→1:25万基础地质图智能化编图流程,并在内蒙古北山地区1:25万填图空白区(甜水井幅)进行了编图实践,为其他地区地质图智能化缩编提供范例。实践表明,基于"智绘地质iMapower"的智能化编图方法,编图效率明显提高,同时计算机自动化处理过程规避了很多人为操作的失误,数据质量也得到了有效提升。


      Abstract: The compilation of small-scale geological maps with medium-large scale data is an important content in the construction of national basic geological data.However, conventional digital mapping methods have some problems of large repetitive workload and time-consuming work.With the application of big data technology, cloud computing and artificial intelligence in the field of geosciences, intelligent geological mapping technology based on GIS platform came into being.This study is based on an intelligent geological mapping system named "iMapower" MapGIS version driven by expert knowledge and database.The intelligent mapping process of basic geological maps of 1:50 000 to 1:250 000 has been established.A blank area (Tianshuijin) mapping of 1: 250 000 scale was selected as a mapping pilot in Beishan of Inner Mongolia to provide an example for intelligent geological mapping in other areas.It has been approved that the intelligent mapping method based on the "iMapower" can significantly improve the mapping efficiency.It can also avoid many man-made errors during automatic computer processing, and the data quality has been effectively improved.


