牛广智, 陶威, 梁文天, 李阳, 冉亚洲. 2016: 南秦岭晚三叠世胭脂坝岩体岩石磁学及磁组构可靠性约束. 地质通报, 35(9): 1522-1528.
    引用本文: 牛广智, 陶威, 梁文天, 李阳, 冉亚洲. 2016: 南秦岭晚三叠世胭脂坝岩体岩石磁学及磁组构可靠性约束. 地质通报, 35(9): 1522-1528.
    NIU Guangzhi, TAO Wei, LIANG Wentian, LI Yang, RAN Yazhou. 2016: Magnetic mineralogy and fabric reliability constraints of Late Triassic Yanzhiba pluton in South Qinling Mountain. Geological Bulletin of China, 35(9): 1522-1528.
    Citation: NIU Guangzhi, TAO Wei, LIANG Wentian, LI Yang, RAN Yazhou. 2016: Magnetic mineralogy and fabric reliability constraints of Late Triassic Yanzhiba pluton in South Qinling Mountain. Geological Bulletin of China, 35(9): 1522-1528.


    Magnetic mineralogy and fabric reliability constraints of Late Triassic Yanzhiba pluton in South Qinling Mountain

    • 摘要: 胭脂坝岩体是秦岭造山带内具典型代表性意义的晚三叠世花岗岩,已有的年代学和地球化学研究对该岩体的侵位机制有不同认识。对岩体的岩石磁学进行分析,结合其岩相学特征,探讨了用磁组构约束岩体内部组构这一方法的可靠性。研究表明,胭脂坝岩体样品的平均磁化率Km值和校正磁化率各向异性度PJ值总体较低,与顺磁性花岗岩类一致。磁滞回线分析表明,绝大部分样品的磁化率来自顺磁性矿物的贡献,少部分高磁化率样品含有铁磁性矿物的贡献,但其浓度极低。高磁化率值样品的等温剩磁曲线获得和反向退磁曲线及χ-T曲线分析表明,铁磁性矿物为磁铁矿,且为多畴颗粒。结合岩相学特征,认为胭脂坝岩体低场磁组构反映了顺磁性的云母类矿物的组构特征,磁组构特征真实地记录了样品的内部组构特征。


      Abstract: The Yanzhiba pluton is one of the typical Late Triassic granite plutons in Qinling Mountain, and lots of geochronological and geochemical work has been done for the Yanzhiba granite pluton in South Qinling Mountain recently. However, opinions of its tectonic settings are contradictory. Some recent studies have placed some new constraints on this problem based on the magnetic fabrics of these granite plutons. These studies have successfully elucidated the correlation between regional tectonics and granite emplacement. However, the reliability of the magnetic fabric method has not been specifically studied. In this paper, the authors present an elaborate magnetic mineralogy analysis, combined with previous petrographical data, to shed light on this problem. Mean susceptibility Km and corrected anisotropy degree PJ of Yanzhiba pluton are low, which are consistent with data of paramagnetic granite. Hysteresis loops show that susceptibility of most samples originates from paramagnetic minerals, with a small portion of ferrimagnetic contribution, whose concentration, however, is very low. Isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition (IRM) and DC-Field demagnetization curves show that the ferrimagnetic component in pluton is mainly soft magnetic minerals, and χ-T curves confirm that it is magnetite. The hysteresis parameter ratios on Day plot further indicate multi-domain magnetite. The results obtained by the authors prove that the magnetic fabric result from Yanzhiba pluton is reliable and has recorded actual mica fabrics.


