李家存, 吴中海, 张铎, 刘晓东. 2014: 青海玉树地区主要活动断裂的遥感影像解译及构造活动性. 地质通报, 33(4): 535-550.
    引用本文: 李家存, 吴中海, 张铎, 刘晓东. 2014: 青海玉树地区主要活动断裂的遥感影像解译及构造活动性. 地质通报, 33(4): 535-550.
    LI Jia-cun, WU Zhong-hai, ZHANG Duo, LIU Xiao-dong. 2014: Remote sensing image interpretation and tectonic activity study of the main active faults in Yushu area, Qinghai Province. Geological Bulletin of China, 33(4): 535-550.
    Citation: LI Jia-cun, WU Zhong-hai, ZHANG Duo, LIU Xiao-dong. 2014: Remote sensing image interpretation and tectonic activity study of the main active faults in Yushu area, Qinghai Province. Geological Bulletin of China, 33(4): 535-550.


    Remote sensing image interpretation and tectonic activity study of the main active faults in Yushu area, Qinghai Province

    • 摘要: 综合利用IRS-P5、ALOS、Google earth等高分辨率遥感影像及ASTER DEM资料,结合前人研究成果和野外实地考察,总结玉树地区断裂带的遥感影像解译标志,获取其空间展布和分段情况,对断裂的性质和活动性进行了详细的分析。研究中共解译活动断裂18条,总体呈Y字型分布。通过错断水系位错量的量测、三维地貌对比、地形起伏度和历史地震对比等多种分析,断裂活动强度可以分为强烈、中等和弱活动3个等级,其中当江—多彩断裂、玉树断裂和巴塘断裂是玉树断裂带内最主要的活动断裂。


      Abstract: Based on the high resolution remote sensing images such as IRS-P5, ALOS, Google earth and ASTER DEM, in combination with previous research results and detailed field survey, the authors summed up the image interpretation criteria, obtained the spatial distribution and subsections of Yushu faulted zone , and analyzed in detail fault properties and activities. It is shown that there are 18 active faults in the zone, and the spatial distribution pattern of Yushu faulted zone is in the shape of “Y”. On the basis of the measurement of offset streams dislocation, three dimensional landform contrasts, topographic relief and historical earthquakes analysis, the authors divided the intensity of fault activities into intense activity, moderate activity and weak activity. Dangjiang-Duocai fault, Yushu fault and Batang fault are the most intense active faults in the area.


