赵志丽, 王永, 姚培毅, 迟振卿, 关友义. 2011: 内蒙古中部达尔罕茂明安联合旗腾格尔诺尔湖泊沉积物记录的全新世晚期环境演变. 地质通报, 30(8): 1251-1255.
    引用本文: 赵志丽, 王永, 姚培毅, 迟振卿, 关友义. 2011: 内蒙古中部达尔罕茂明安联合旗腾格尔诺尔湖泊沉积物记录的全新世晚期环境演变. 地质通报, 30(8): 1251-1255.
    ZHAO Zhi-li, WANG Yong, YAO Pei-yi, CHI Zhen-qing, GUAN You-yi. 2011: Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments since Late Holocene in central Inner Mongolia. Geological Bulletin of China, 30(8): 1251-1255.
    Citation: ZHAO Zhi-li, WANG Yong, YAO Pei-yi, CHI Zhen-qing, GUAN You-yi. 2011: Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments since Late Holocene in central Inner Mongolia. Geological Bulletin of China, 30(8): 1251-1255.


    Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments since Late Holocene in central Inner Mongolia

    • 摘要: 通过对内蒙古中部腾格尔诺尔湖泊沉积、粒度组成、孢粉组合等特征的综合分析,重建了该地区全新世晚期1700aBP以来的环境演变过程。结果表明,该地区1700aBP以来的气候环境变化可以分为4个阶段:1700~1170aBP,气候温暖较湿润;1170~840aBP,为温干气候期;840~200aBP,气候转为温暖湿润,间有短期的冷干波动;200aBP以来气候以温干为主,晚期气候有向凉干转变的趋势。


      Abstract: Based on a study of sedimentary features, grain sizes and pollen assemblages, the authors reconstructed a record of climatic and environmental changes in the past 1700 years for the Tengernur Lake in central Inner Mongolia. Some results have been obtained: From 1700 to 1170a, the climate was mainly warm and humid, and the water level of the lake was rising. From 1170 to 840a, the climate was arid and warm. From about 840 to 200 cal yr ago, a relatively warm and humid climate period existed, as evidenced by higher A/C ratios and finer grain sizes, and it was interrupted by a short cold and dry climate interval. Since 200a, the climate has been mainly warm and arid, with a tendency to dryness and coolness at the late stage.


