
    Quantified research on iron potential of China

    • 摘要: 按照矿床模型综合地质信息矿产预测方法,在中大比例尺勘探数据的基础上,全国分省分预测工作区,不同矿产预测类型分预测深度和可利用性,对全疆域铁矿圈定成矿远景区,使用地质参数体积法估算铁矿潜在资源量。以此为基础,按照单位面积查明资源量和预测资源量定量统计,分析中国重要的铁矿矿集区,为铁矿整装勘查提出部署参考建议。


      Abstract: According to the integrated geo-information modeling reserve estimation method and on the basis of the exploration data at the middle and large scales, the authors delineated the national iron tracts under the conditions of different depths, different applications and different assessment mineral styles in the assessment working area of every province in China, whose reserve quantity was estimated with the geological parameter volume method. Based on the discovered and potential iron quantity data in each unit area, the authors studied iron concentration areas in China, and the result will give suggestions for decision makers to make iron exploration decisions.


