Shale gas is a potentially huge amount of unconventional gas resources, with high exaction requirement, long development life and stable production cycle. In recent years, with severe energy shortage situation and energy prices, increasing shale gas has received more attention worldwide. The history of shale gas exploration and development, current production situation in America are reviewed. The latest research of shale gas in the rest of the world, including Canada, Europe and China is also studied. According to the existing research, it is predicted that the marine shale in Southern China and lacustrine shale in Northern China basins have huge shale gas resource potential. Because shale gas is unconventional resource and the research is of great significance, it is suggested that research efforts should be enhanced; strategic survey and optimization should be carried out as soon as possible; the technology transfer, research and international cooperation should be strengthened; related policies should be enacted in advance. All these measures are in order to realize shale gas commercial development in China and to promote economic development rapidly.