
    Application of GIS-based weights of evidence method for mineral quantitative prediction: A case study on Alukerqin area, Inner Mongolia, China.

    • 摘要: 内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗地区地跨大兴安岭东坡、主峰、西坡3个成矿带,具有良好的成矿条件。在提取该地区的地质、物探、化探和遥感基础信息的基础上,以地质异常理论为指导,运用数理统计分析的方法和GIS技术,综合分析多源数据,提取不同的成矿信息标志,利用证据权重法对研究区进行成矿定量预测与评价。此次预测工作共选出15个证据因子层,对该地区以热液型矿床为主的有色金属矿产进行定量预测与评价,最终得出3个远景区。


      Abstract: Alukerqin area spans three mineralization belts—the main peak of Daxing′anling, the east-slope of Daxing′anling and the west-slope of Daxing′anling. Having the advantageous of mineral-formation conditions, Alukerqin area is rich in underground mineral resources in Chifeng City , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Based on the geological anomaly theory and using the mathematical statistic methods, this work synthesize some basic information including geology data, geophysics data, geochemistry data, remote sensing data and mineral resources database. Then we find multivariate data related with mineralizing process such as strata , structural, magmatic rocks, aeromagnetic survey, gravimetric survey, geochemical exploration and remote sensing by GIS technology. Moreover, according to the geological anomaly theory, we select most important digital data from these layers as favorable mineralization factors of the evidence weights method which was initiated by Dr. Agterberg in this work, we select 15 important layers from all data as evidence factors to predict and evaluate the nonferrous metals deposit which were generated by hydrothermal activity including Cu, Pb and Zn. So we divided 3 metallogenetic prospective areas in Alukerqin area.


