高联达, 王宗起, 王涛, 闫全人, 闫臻, 李秋根. 2006: 河南西峡地区二郎坪群火神庙组中发现泥盆纪孢子化石. 地质通报, 25(11): 1287-1294.
    引用本文: 高联达, 王宗起, 王涛, 闫全人, 闫臻, 李秋根. 2006: 河南西峡地区二郎坪群火神庙组中发现泥盆纪孢子化石. 地质通报, 25(11): 1287-1294.
    GAO Lian-da, WANG Zong-qi, WANG Tao, YAN Quan-ren, YAN Zhen, LI Qiu-gen. 2006: Discovery of Devonian spores in the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group in the Xixia area, Henan, China. Geological Bulletin of China, 25(11): 1287-1294.
    Citation: GAO Lian-da, WANG Zong-qi, WANG Tao, YAN Quan-ren, YAN Zhen, LI Qiu-gen. 2006: Discovery of Devonian spores in the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group in the Xixia area, Henan, China. Geological Bulletin of China, 25(11): 1287-1294.


    Discovery of Devonian spores in the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group in the Xixia area, Henan, China

    • 摘要: 在河南省西峡地区二郎坪群火神庙组粉砂质板岩中发现丰富的陆生植物孢子(Spores)、少数疑源类(Acritarchs)和极少数几丁虫(Chitmozoa)化石。该化石孢子组合可与中国华南、西南地区和西秦岭中泥盆世早期孢子组合比较,亦可与西欧和北美中泥盆世早期的孢子带比较,时代为中泥盆世,并有可能为中泥盆世早期,相当于西欧艾菲尔期(Eifelian)。


      Abstract: The Edangping Group is exposed over large tracts in the Xixia area in the Qinling Mountains in the border region of Henan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Abundant spores of terrestrial plants, some acritarchs and scarce chitinozoans are found in silty slate of the Huoshenmiao Formation of the group. The spore assemblage may correlate with the early Middle Devonian spore assemblage reported in South and Southwest China and West Qiniing and also with the early Middle Devonian spore zone in Western Europe, Russian, and North America. The age of the spore assemblage is Middle Devonian and may also be early Middle Devonian, equivalent to the Eifelian of Western Europe.


