黄敬军, 倪红升, 华建伟. 2004: 江苏省矿山环境保护和矿业废弃地环境恢复整治示范模式. 地质通报, 23(11): 1113-1118.
    引用本文: 黄敬军, 倪红升, 华建伟. 2004: 江苏省矿山环境保护和矿业废弃地环境恢复整治示范模式. 地质通报, 23(11): 1113-1118.
    HUANG Jingjun, NI Hongsheng, HUA Jianwei. 2004: Demonstration model of the environmental protection in mines and recovery and rehabilitation of the geological environment of abandoned mining areas. Geological Bulletin of China, 23(11): 1113-1118.
    Citation: HUANG Jingjun, NI Hongsheng, HUA Jianwei. 2004: Demonstration model of the environmental protection in mines and recovery and rehabilitation of the geological environment of abandoned mining areas. Geological Bulletin of China, 23(11): 1113-1118.


    Demonstration model of the environmental protection in mines and recovery and rehabilitation of the geological environment of abandoned mining areas

    • 摘要: 随着矿业经济发展由“资源开发”向“资源开发与环境保护并重”的转变,江苏省域内已涌现出一批矿业生态示范工程,并逐步建立了一批矿产资源开发工业园。关闭矿山废弃地的环境恢复整治示范工程也已初见成效,打造出景观再造、科普园区、应景改造、循环经济、工程整治、生态保护等环境恢复整治模式,显然对江苏生态省建设和区域经济的可持续发展具有较强的示范和推进作用。本文力图对已有的典范进行归纳,总结出矿山环境保护和矿业废弃地恢复整治的示范模式,为江苏省今后矿山环境保护(整治)提供技术支撑,达到改善生态环境的目的。


      Abstract: With the transition of mining economic development from "resource development" to "simultaneous resource development and environmental protection", a group of mining ecological demonstration projects have emerged in Jiangsu Province and a group of mineral


