韩克从, 姚峰. 1986: 苏南东部及上海地区的北西向断层. 地质通报, (1): 48-54+9.
    引用本文: 韩克从, 姚峰. 1986: 苏南东部及上海地区的北西向断层. 地质通报, (1): 48-54+9.
    HAN Ke-cong, YAO Feng. 1986: NORTHWEST-TRENDING FAULTS IN EASTERN SOUTH JIANGSU AND THE SHANGHI AREA. Geological Bulletin of China, (1): 48-54+9.
    Citation: HAN Ke-cong, YAO Feng. 1986: NORTHWEST-TRENDING FAULTS IN EASTERN SOUTH JIANGSU AND THE SHANGHI AREA. Geological Bulletin of China, (1): 48-54+9.



    • 摘要: 笔者对苏南东部及上海地区的北西向断层作了系统的野外观察,并对断裂带内构造岩作了详细地研究;对北西向断层的力学性质、构造地质特征及地质意义作了初步探讨。现介绍如下,如有不当,敬请指正。一、北西向断层的野外观察 (一)太湖大东岛,石炭系灰岩中发育了三条北西向压性断裂(图1、2),间隔40~50m。其中断层A走向北30°西,倾向北东,倾角75°;断裂带宽度为7m。断层B走向北35°西,倾向南西,倾角70°;断裂带宽度为8m。断裂C走向北35°西,断面近直立;断裂


      Abstract: Compresso-shear faults have been repeatedly found among numerous nor- thwest-trending faults in eastern South Jiangsu and the Shanghai area. Acco- rding to the strike, the northwest-trending faults may be divided into two sets, the northwest set and the north-northwest set. Through an analysis, the mechanical nature of structure planes could be determined relatively accu- rately. The development of the northwest set of compresso-shear faults pro- gressed through three stages: (1) compressive or compressoshear activity, which originated in early Yanshanian time and was still operative in late Yanshanian time; (2) tensile activity; and (3) shear activity. The tensile and shear activity of the northwest-trending compresso-shear faults and the north-northwest-trending compresso-shear faults occurred in late Yanshanian time. The tensile and shear faults of the northwest set, and the tensile and shear activity of the northwest-trending compresso-shear faults are genetica- lly related to the Cathaysian and Neocathaysian tectonic systems, belonging to lowergeneration elements of the two tectonic systems; while the compresso -shear faults may possibly belong to another independant tectonic system of shear origin which is very important. The study of the northwest-trending faults is of great significance in the study of regional geology, metallic mineral deposits, coal deposits, clay deposits and present-day seismic activity.


