秦绪文, 戴意蕴, 张耀阳, 肖都, 方慧, 裴发根, 何大双, 冯斌. 2024: 陆域大地电磁基础网规划与展望. 地质通报, 43(4): 489-502. DOI: 10.12097/gbc.2023.03.013
    引用本文: 秦绪文, 戴意蕴, 张耀阳, 肖都, 方慧, 裴发根, 何大双, 冯斌. 2024: 陆域大地电磁基础网规划与展望. 地质通报, 43(4): 489-502. DOI: 10.12097/gbc.2023.03.013
    Qin X W, Dai Y Y, Zhang Y Y, Xiao D, Fang H, Pei F G, He D S, Feng B. Future plan and prospect for national magnetotelluric datum network. Geological Bulletin of China, 2024, 43(4): 489−502. DOI: 10.12097/gbc.2023.03.013
    Citation: Qin X W, Dai Y Y, Zhang Y Y, Xiao D, Fang H, Pei F G, He D S, Feng B. Future plan and prospect for national magnetotelluric datum network. Geological Bulletin of China, 2024, 43(4): 489−502. DOI: 10.12097/gbc.2023.03.013


    Future plan and prospect for national magnetotelluric datum network

    • 摘要: 阵列式大地电磁测深是区域地球物理调查的重点发展方向之一,对标国外先进水平和国家社会的基础性需求,中国阵列式大地电磁测深工作程度依然较低,缺乏整体规划,开展全国性观测计划亟需提上日程。系统总结了当前区域地球物理学的发展趋势及国内外大地电磁网建设现状,提出了合作共建陆域多层级大地电磁基础网和大数据中心的顶层设计和规划布局,并对中国大地电磁基础网未来的重点发展方向进行了展望和思考。相关工作的顺利开展将为中国的区域地球物理调查拓展一项新属性参数,推动构建物性地球、结构地球和地球物理场四维模型,进而变革区域地球物理研究范式和工作模式,支撑中国深地探测走向世界前列。


      Abstract: Array magnetotelluric sounding is one of the most promising techniques in regional geophysical investigation. In consideration of the advantages of foreign developed countries and the basic needs of society, the development of array magnetotelluric sounding in China lacks integral planning and is lagging behind. It is urgent to carry out a magnetotelluric observation plan at the national level. In this paper, we review the current development trend of regional geophysics and the construction status of magnetotelluric network in China and abroad. Furthermore, we put forward the top-level concept and construction plan of the national magnetotelluric datum network and the relevant big data bank, and point out the future development priorities. The implementation of this project will expand a new parameter of regional geophysical survey in our country, and promote constructing the 4D model of physical earth, structural earth and geophysical field, which are of great significance to transform the regional geophysical research paradigm and work mode, and help China's deep earth exploration to move forward all over the world.


