耿全如, 彭智敏, 张璋. 2012: 青藏高原羌塘地区果干加年山—荣玛乡一带石炭纪—二叠纪古生物研究新进展. 地质通报, 31(4): 510-520.
    引用本文: 耿全如, 彭智敏, 张璋. 2012: 青藏高原羌塘地区果干加年山—荣玛乡一带石炭纪—二叠纪古生物研究新进展. 地质通报, 31(4): 510-520.
    GENG Quan-ru, PENG Zhi-min, ZHANG Zhang. 2012: New advances in the study of Carboniferous-Permian paleontology in Guoganjianianshan-Rongma area of Qiangtang region, Tibetan Plateau. Geological Bulletin of China, 31(4): 510-520.
    Citation: GENG Quan-ru, PENG Zhi-min, ZHANG Zhang. 2012: New advances in the study of Carboniferous-Permian paleontology in Guoganjianianshan-Rongma area of Qiangtang region, Tibetan Plateau. Geological Bulletin of China, 31(4): 510-520.


    New advances in the study of Carboniferous-Permian paleontology in Guoganjianianshan-Rongma area of Qiangtang region, Tibetan Plateau

    • 摘要: 在羌塘中部大沙河-果干加年山剖面展金岩群中发现珊瑚化石赫氏鲍斯维耳剌毛虫Chatetes(Boswellia)heritschi Sokolov,说明展金岩群中存在晚石炭世的生物时代证据。但是该化石并不是属于冈瓦纳冷水生物区的,而是来自温水环境的特提斯型生物区。在荣玛乡黑石山剖面中发现大量中二叠世 科化石,既出现典型的冈瓦纳相冷水生物,如Wannerophyllam 、Monodiexodina等,也存在大量暖水型的生物,如田氏朱森 Chusenella tieni Chen、散尔多希瓦格 Schwagerina sanerduoensis Nieet Song、假孙氏假纺锤 Pseudofusulina pseudosuni Sheng等。化石特征属于冈瓦纳相与特提斯相的混合类型。研究表明,羌塘中部的喀喇昆仑—龙木错—双湖一带是石炭纪、二叠纪冈瓦纳和特提斯生物混生区,不存在明显的生物大区界线。推测龙木错-双湖蛇绿岩带所代表的洋盆可能仅为特提斯南缘弧盆系统中的小盆地。


      Abstract: A coral fossil Chatetes(Boswellia) heritschi Sokolov was discovered for the first time in the Zhanjin Group along the geological section between Dashahe and Guoganjianianshan in middle Qiangtang region. This discovery provides evidence of the Late Carboniferous biological age for the Zhanjin Group. However, this fossil is from the Tethyan type biota in a warm water environment and does not belong to the Gondwana cold water biota. Plenty of Middle Permian fusulinid fossils were also discovered for the first time in the Heishishan geological section, which belongs to both Gondwana cold-water biota, as represented by Wannerophyllam and Monodiexodina, and the warm-water Tethyan type biota, as evidenced by Chusenella tieni Chen, Schwagerina sanerduoensis Nieet Song and Pseudofusulina pseudosuni Sheng. The fossils are characterized by a mixed biota type of Gondwana and Tethyan types. It is suggested that the middle Qiangtang tectonic zone of Karakorum-Longmucuo-Shuanghu is biologically a mixed zone of Gondwana and Tethys biota in Carboniferous and Permian period, and there exists no obvious boundary of the biological region. It is thus inferred that the ocean basin represented by the Longmucuo-Shuanghu ophiolitic zone was a small marginal basin in southern Tethyan archipelago.


