邢立达, 杰瑞德D.哈里斯, 王克柏, 李日辉. 2010: 山东诸城盆地下白垩统莱阳群的非鸟恐龙与鸟足迹化石组合. 地质通报, 29(8): 1105-1112.
    引用本文: 邢立达, 杰瑞德D.哈里斯, 王克柏, 李日辉. 2010: 山东诸城盆地下白垩统莱阳群的非鸟恐龙与鸟足迹化石组合. 地质通报, 29(8): 1105-1112.
    XING Li-da, JERALD D. Harris, WANG Ke-bai, LI Ri-hui. 2010: An Early Cretaceous non-avian dinosaur and bird footprint assemblage from the Laiyang Group in the Zhucheng basin, Shandong Province, China.. Geological Bulletin of China, 29(8): 1105-1112.
    Citation: XING Li-da, JERALD D. Harris, WANG Ke-bai, LI Ri-hui. 2010: An Early Cretaceous non-avian dinosaur and bird footprint assemblage from the Laiyang Group in the Zhucheng basin, Shandong Province, China.. Geological Bulletin of China, 29(8): 1105-1112.


    An Early Cretaceous non-avian dinosaur and bird footprint assemblage from the Laiyang Group in the Zhucheng basin, Shandong Province, China.

    • 摘要: 中国山东省诸城盆地张祝河湾村下白垩统杨家庄组发现了非鸟恐龙(蜥脚类和鸟脚类)与古鸟类足迹。该足迹点的非鸟恐龙足迹深受水浸沉积物的影响,发生了强烈变形。蜥脚类足迹的前后足迹面积相近,造迹者行进缓慢。鸟脚类足迹属于禽龙-鸭嘴龙类型的足迹。古鸟类足迹并不类似于中国以往发现的中生代鸟类足迹,而类似于韩国滨水鸟类足迹的金东鸟足迹(Jindongornipes)。讨论了莱阳足迹(Laiyangpus)和拟跷脚龙足迹(Paragrallator,亦译为拟似鹬龙足迹),前者因模式标本遗失而不明确,后者可归入安琪龙足迹未定种(Anchisauripus isp)。这批足迹的发现大大增加了山东省东部恐龙的多样性。


      Abstract: Diverse non-avian dinosaur (sauropod and ornithopod) and bird tracks occur in the Lower Cretaceous Yangjiazhuang Formation at the Zhangzhuhewan Village track site in Zhucheng basin, Shandong Province, China. Non-avian dinosaur tracks at this tracksite are heavily deformed, having been registered in waterlogged sediment. Sauropod pes and manus impressions, made by a slowly advancing track maker, are roughly equal in area. The ornithopod tracks are of the generalized Iguanodon-hadrosaur morphotype. The bird tracks are unlike other Mesozoic bird tracks from China, but are similar to the shorebird-like ichnotaxon Jindongornipes. Among tracks previously reported from the Laiyang Group, Laiyangpus is of uncertain affinity and its type specimen has been lost, and Paragrallator is referable to Anchisauripus isp. The new tracks described herein further increase the known dinosaur diversity in eastern Shandong Province.


