The late Early Permian Dangchong Formation is distributed mainly over Hunan and northern Guangdong.Luo Jian(1960)found verbeekina and putit at the upper Lower Permian.But there were less fossils lately we have found more fusulinid fossil again in it.There are Schwagerina sp.,S.cf.longipertica Chen, Chusenella sp.,Neoschwagerina cf.simplex Compressa Lin,N.inpta Li,N. cf.cratioulifera(Schwager),N.sp,Schubertella sp.,Neomisellina sp.,Codono- fusiella altilis Xie sp.nov.,C.Lilingica Xie sp nov.,C.Latiovalis Xie sp.nov.,C.quasiminuta Xie sp.nov.,C.ventilabrum minute Xie subsp. nov.,C.irregularis Xie sp.nov.,Dunbarula venala Xie sp.nov.,D. dazhangica Xie sp.nov.,D.vitiosa Xie sp.nov.,Kahlerina sp.,Wutuella sp.,Parakahlerina jinggangshanica Xie gen.et sp.nov.,Jilinella hunanica Xie sp.nov.,and Hubeiella lilingica Xie sp.nov.etc.Most of them are the smallst or smaller,that is the fearture of this fauna. The foraminifer assemllage includes Climacammina,Tetrataxis,Geinit- zina,Nodosaria,Multidiscus,Glomospira,Baisalina,Agathammina,Hem- igordius and Pachyphlia. New genus description Subfamily Schwagerininae Dunbar et Henbest 1930 Genus Parakahlerina Xie gen.nov. Shell small,subspherieal.Spirotheca thick in the outer volutions and thin in the inner,composed obviously of a thin tectum and thick tiny ker- iotheca.In the outer volutions the tiny keriotheca contracted at some parts. But the septula was incomplete.Septa plane,arcuate anteriorly.In some cases there are foramina developed in the lower part of the septa.Chomata low,extending laterally to the poles.Tunnel low,broad,are. Genotype:Parakahlerina jinggangshanica Xie gen.et sp.nov. Discussion:Parakahlerina differs from Kahlerina and Parmirina in its incompletely developed septula;the other features are analogous to Kahlerina Distribution.upper lower Permian,Hunan of China and Turkey.