Karst geology of the Shihua cave,Beijing
摘要: 在全国范围内,北京石花洞洞层最多,钟乳石叠置关系明显,石笋中具有微层理,月奶石发育最好。这些特征为研究西山的新构造运动及古环境的变化提供了新的信息,奠定了首次利用钟乳石建立第四系剖面的基础。Abstract: Across China,Shihua cave is well known for its characteristic multi levels,superimposed stalactite,micro banding and best developed moonmilk.These features provide new information for understanding the neo tectonics and paleo environment in Xishan area,and also help to set up Quaternary stratigraphy by study of stalactite for the first time.