Accrding to the evolutionary p ases of the basement of the Yangtze platform in Sichuan province, the crystalline basement formed by the Kangdianian movement at the end of the Kangdianian Stage and the folded basement formed by the Jinningian movment at the end of the Jinningian stage may be distinguis ed. The crystalline basement is reprented by the Kangding Group of Arcean-Early proterozoic age. The folded basement of eugeosynclinal type consists of the Qiasi, Yanbian, Huangs ui(?)e, Yanjing, Bikou and Huodiya Groups; the folded basement of miogeosynclinal type includes the Huili, Ebian, Dengxiangying and Banxi Groups. Except that the Banxi and Yanjing Groups are Late Proterozoic in age, all the other groups are of Middle Proterozoic agge, The metamorphosed terrane forming the crystalline basement bas been subjected to strong granitization and migmatization, belonging to multi-facies(greenschist facies-amphibolite facies-granulite facies), regional dynamothermal metamorphism. The metamorphosed terrane forming the folded basement was subjected to monofacies (greenschist facies) regional dynamic metamorphism.