
    Characteristics and U-Pb ages of zircon in metavolcanics from the Kangbutiebao Formation in the Altay orogen, Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 康布铁堡组的变质程度为绿片岩—低角闪岩相 ,已报道的同位素年龄均为变质年龄。根据锆石颜色、晶形、U Pb同位素组成 ,将该组酸性火山岩中的锆石分为继承性锆石、岩浆锆石、混合锆石 (含继承锆石核 )和变生锆石 4类。通过单颗粒锆石U Pb法年龄测定 ,获得了康布铁堡组火山岩的年龄 (4 0 7.3± 9.2 )Ma ,属早泥盆世 ,同时得出两期变质年龄和火山岩源区的参考年龄。


      Abstract: The rocks of the Kangbutiebao Formation suffered greenschist low amphibolite facies metamorphism. The isotope ages reported are all metamorphic ones. According to the colors, crystal shapes and U Pb isotopic composition of zircons, the zircons in acid volcanic rocks of the formation may be divided into inherited zircon, magmatic zircon, mixed zircon (containing a small core of inherited zircon) and metamorphic zircon. The volcanic rocks of the formation were determined using the single grain zircon U Pb method to have an age of 407.3±9.2 Ma, assigned to the Early Devonian age. Meanwhile the ages of two phases of metamorphism and reference age of the source region of volcanic rocks have been obtained.


