

    • 摘要: 一、前言中条运动是早元古宙晚期发生于晋南中条山的一次具造山规模的地壳大变动。由于运动界面上下有明确的地层关系,且不整合面所表示的时间间隔短暂,故受到本区及邻区地质工作者的普遍重视,并常在地质工作中加以应用。近年来一些科研和教学单位的地学工作者也都相继使用,并建议用中条运动(中条旋回)作为我国北方早一中元古宙之间的代表运动,对此亦有不同的看法和各式各样的理解和解释。在这种情况下,作为几十年来一直在中条山从事矿产普查勘探的地质工作者,有责任,也应该去说明有关中条运动的问题。并在此基础上对目前发表较多,议论较多,已有较多资料集累的吕梁运


      Abstract: In this paper the author discusses some problems on the Zhongtiao move- meat, and compares the Zhongtiao movement with the Luliang and Zhongyue movements with respect to time and space (see Table 3 and Fig. 6). The Zhongtiao movement is without doubt the most important crustal movement in the tectonic development of the early Proterozoic in the North China platform (the Sino-Korean paraplatform). It is due to its clear chronohorizon and the presence of distinct angular conformities that the Zhongtiao movement (or the Zhongtiao cycle) has been considered to be the representative of the crustal movements in the late part of the early Proterozoic. On the basis of new data obtained in mineral prospecting in the Zhongtiao Mountains area, three episodes may be distinguished in the Zhongtiao movement. The first episode, represented by unconformities between the Xiaozhongtiao and Xiaxian Subgroups of the Zhongtiao Group, led to partial inversion of the Zhongtiao geosyncline. The second episode (the main episode), occurring between the Xiaxian and Danshanshi Subgroups, is an important folding episode, It marked the end of the geological history of the geosyncline, and brought about folding, fracturing, regional metamorphism and magmaticintrusion. The isotopic age (metamorphic age) is about 1800 m.y. The third episode (the last episode), occurring between the Danshanshi Subgroup of the Zhongtiao Group and the Xiyanghe Group (sedimentary cover), resulted in the formation of a unified Zongtiao geosynclinal fold belt.Therefore the Zhongtiao movement meets the requirements of a type section of the crustal movements.


