
    Structural pattern and intrusion mechanism of the Banshanpu massif in eastern Hunan

    • 摘要: 根据板杉铺岩体的基本特征 (形态、产状、主体单元的空间分布、接触关系 )、围岩构造 (褶皱、断层、片理等 )、内部构造 (片麻理、包体、断层、节理、岩脉、岩石磁性组构 )等构造样式认为 ,板杉铺岩体侵位经历了重熔岩浆的产生→底辟上升→多次脉动式上侵的逆旋—气球膨胀的过程 ,为花岗岩体构造样式研究与就位机制分析开拓了新的思路。


      Abstract: The Banshanpu intrusive in eastern Hunan is an oral granite body, 21.3 km in length and 17.8 km in width, with a sharp contact with its wall rocks. On the basis the structural characteristics of its main units and wall rocks and from the strain and magnetic fabric analyses of rock, it is suggested that the intrusion of the Banshanpu granite massif involved several stages, that is, production of remelting magma, diapiric uprise, pulsating upwelling, anticlockwide totation and balloon type expansion.


