Three new Lithostratigraphic units have been established for the Cretaceous of ZhejiangProvince;in ascending order they are Xiaopingtian Formation,Liangtoutang Formation andChichengshan Forrnation. The Xiaopingtian Formation, 370 1100m thick, consists mainly ofintermediate acid pyroclastic rocks with lava and purplish red sandstone; with a Rb-Srisochron age of 108 Ma,it is mid-late Early Cretaceous in age. The Liangtoutang Formation,175 690 m thick,is composed mainly of purplish red mudstone and siltstone, partly interca-lated with conglomerate and rhyolitic tuff, yielding fossils of dinosaur eggs and ankylosaurs;itsage is Late Cretaceous. The Chichengshan Formation,600 1000 m thick ,consists of purplishred conglomerate and siltstone with occasional tuffs,with its top being exposed incompletely;ityields egg fossils of dinosaurs.On the basis of the data from hole No. 41 in Qingshuipu,the Quaternary is composed ofgreyish yellow-dark grey clays, with an outcrop thickness of 40 m, containing fossils offoraminifers and mulluscs. It rests disconformably on the Ningbo Formation and its age shouldbeHolocene.