
    The thrusting tectonics in Daqingshan,Inner Mongolia

    • 摘要: 大青山逆冲推覆构造发育在石拐断陷盆地南侧,由一系列规模大小不等向南倾的叠瓦状逆冲推覆断层构成,由南南西向北北东方向推覆,是单冲型逆冲推覆构造。由北向南分为前缘挤压滑脱构造带、斜歪倒转褶皱—逆冲断层带和逆冲推覆岩席及叠瓦状逆冲断层带。


      Abstract: The Daqingshan thrust is develop on the southern margin of Shiguai fault basin. As a solely thrusting type,the thrust belt consists of a set of south dipping reverse faults.From north to south,several tectonic belts can be distinguished:front compressive detachment belt,overturned thrusting belt,sheeted thrusting belt and imbricate thrusting belt.


