

    • 摘要: 龙门山一小金河断裂带以西,属于松潘—甘孜地槽褶皱系的川西地区,古生物混生现象十分普遍,长期以来,给地层对比及地质历史的解释带来很大的混乱。近年,随着板块学说的传播,一些学者,用板块活动的机制对此加以解释,归因于混杂岩,进而视混杂岩为板块缝合线的一种等同物。这种混杂岩,在川西地区分布特别广泛,吸引着广大地质工作者的兴趣。1979年,张之孟、金蒙率先报导了金沙江边乡城、得荣地区的混杂岩,并将其划分为蛇绿混杂岩和泥砾混杂岩两类;最近,又有郝子文和李小壮等的文章问世。有关混杂岩的资料益丰,观察日深,但对混杂岩的解说与涵义,却有不同的理解。笔者检视了有关资料后认为,所谓混杂岩,并非一般含义上的岩石实体,而是一种特


      Abstract: Melanges are widespread in western Sichuan and may be found along the Jinshajiang fracture zone,the Delei-Dingqu fracture zone,the Dege-xiangcheng fracture zone, the Garze-Litang fracture zone, the Xianshuihe fracture zone and the Minjiang fracture zone as well as the peripheries of the Zoige median massif.As fossils of various ages occur in them and different scholars assign them into different ages, confusion has been brought about in the stratigraphic division and structural analysis.After an overview of relevant data, the authors have found that the mélanges are a multi-constituent fragment and block accumulation,which makes up a complete series and,like enlargea breccia,consists of "matrix"and"angular fragments".What is different from breccia is that their matrix embraces a stratigraphic unit formed in a rather long geological period of time.Their time interval may be an age or epoch.The angular fragments are composed of exotic masses ot different ages and lithologies and highly varied sizes,some of which may be of very large size.Their accumulation is distributed in a particular horizon and may extend as far as several hundreds of kilometers.The age of the mélange series can be only determined by the fossils in the matrix.The matrix of the melange series in western sichuan is mainly derived from the Xikang or Yidun Group and is Late Triassic in age.The series is of tectonic-sedimentary origin.It is of special singificance for indicating the facies occurring during the period of transformation from the stable to active or from the active to more active in the geological development.


