
    The structural mapping in exposed bedrock areas: methods, practice and exploration

    • 摘要: 构造地质填图是地质填图的重要内容,也是构造地质研究的基础源泉。填图的主要目标是确定地质体的空间展布规律、变形的几何学和运动学特征,建立填图区构造格架和构造演化序列,探讨构造运动与岩浆活动、变质作用和成矿作用的关系;主要内容是确定填图单元、表示各种(可填的)构造要素。填图的详细程度根据填图的比例尺而定,比例尺越大,可填制和表示的构造要素越多。填图中要重视中小构造要素的观察和描述,构造要素的测量要尽可能多。主要方法包括穿越法、追索法和查证法;比例尺越大,追索法的重要性越大。卫星遥感影像是填图的重要基础,影像的使用贯穿填图的始终。


      Abstract: Structural mapping is not only an important part of basic geological mapping but also the source and foundation of structural geology. The major objectives of structural geology mapping lie in finding out the spatial distribution, geometric characteristics and the kinematic properties of the geological units. Furthermore, the structural framework and the evolution can be established in mapping areas so that researchers can have a better understanding of structures'relationships with magma activities, metamorphic events, and mineralization. The primary task of structure field mapping is to define mappable units and measure various structural elements in outcrops. The details of mapping depends on the mapping scale:the larger the scale, the more the mappable structural elements. Attention should be paid to the observation and description of medium-small structures. Mappable elements need to be measured and depicted in detail. There are three methods used in the field mapping, namely crosscutting, tracking and checking. In general, the tracking method plays a more important role as the mapping scale becomes larger. Depending upon the actual conditions, these methods can be flexibly selected or modified. Various kinds of satellite images are useful throughout the field mapping.


