
    An analysis of the meanings of some terms and their application to structural geology

    • 摘要: 随着构造地质学科领域的学生、专业研究人员和出版论文、著作等数量的迅猛增长,以及该学科领域新创立术语的大量引入,一些术语被误用、滥用和不准确使用的现象时有发生。针对这一情况,从6个方面:①外延很广的术语;②有关联但涵义不同的术语;③不符合构造逻辑的术语;④可能不符合地质实际的术语;⑤“形”近“意”异的术语;⑥易被滥用的若干术语,对其中的若干术语进行涵义的解析和使用探讨,旨在满足同行顺利交流的需要和促进构造地质学科的发展。


      Abstract: With the rapid growth of the number of students, professional researchers and published papers and books in the field of tectonics and structural geology in China as well as the introduction of newly created terminology to the subject area, the phenomena of misused, abused and inaccurate used terms have frequently appeared. In this paper, the meanings of some terms are analyzed and their applications are discussed in six aspects for reference:①terms with extensive epitaxy; ②different terms with related meaning; ③ terms which fail to meet structural geology logic; ④terms which are not suitable for actual geological condition; ⑤terms with similar "shapes"but different"meanings"; ⑥ terms which are likely to be abused. The purpose of this paper is to meet the needs of the smooth exchange between peers and to promote the development of structural geology.


