
    The Early Permian Angaran flora from the northeastern margin of Tuha basin and its implications for palaeoclimate

    • 摘要: 地处吐哈盆地东北缘的哈密天山乡二道沟一带下二叠统依尔希土组产出大量植物化石,经鉴定有5属13种。该植物群以科达类为主,几乎全为安加拉植物区的常见分子,建立了Angaropteridium-Noeggerathiopsis-Nephropsis 组合,经对比确定其时代为早二叠世。利用植物群组成及植物化石叶相统计分析,推断吐哈盆地早二叠世处于相对温暖湿润、具有明显波动的温带气候,存在着周期性的干-湿转变及年度的季节性变化。


      Abstract: A large number of fossil plants were collected from the Lower Permian Yierxitu Formation in the vicinity of Erdaogou Village, Tianshan Town, Hami City on the northeast margin of Tuha basin. A total of five genera and thirteen species have been identified, including three undetermined species. Most of the florae are of Codaitopsida, and almost all of them are common elements of Angaran flora. The Angaropteridium-Noeggerathiopsis-Nephropsis plant assemblage has been established, and its age is considered to be Early Permian based on contrast with other assemblages. The composition of flora and leaf physiognomy show that the study area was located in a relatively warm and humid temperate climate with periodic drought to wetness shift and annual seasonal variations in the Early Permian.


