
    The enlightenment of Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) on Chinese geological informatization

    • 摘要: 欧盟空间信息基础设施(INSPIRE)是欧洲空间信息基础设施建设法令。目的是建立欧盟统一的空间信息基础设施,实现有关环境空间信息在统一的框架下全欧盟范围内的共享,便于跨区域的政策决策及应用。通过近7年的实施,INSPIRE完成了欧盟层面的立法和各参与国层面具有法律效力的执行规则,制定了一系列技术规范和技术指南,并在各参与国中执行实施。总结分析欧盟空间信息基础设施(INSPIRE)的目的与意义、组织管理体系、实施方案、空间信息的融合与互操作、统一架构与相关规范等方面的相关经验,提出了对中国地学信息化的几点启示。


      Abstract: Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) is directive about infrastructure construction for spatial information in Europe, purposing to share spatial data and services in Europe supporting environmental policies and policies that have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE establishes five common implementing rules which are metadata, the network services, the interoperability of spatial data sets and services, the data and service sharing, the monitoring and reporting implementing rules, and a series of technical guidelines supplemented with measures at the Community level, ensuring the compatibility and usability of the member states' infrastructure. The INSPIRE has reached the halfway stage with generally positive outcomes and evolution which has been facilitated by broader social and technical developments and adoption of open data policies across Europe. The experiences and future efforts of the INSPIRE could be used for reference focusing on how to best support the interoperability of spatial data sets and services of Chinese national geological informatization.


