
    Overall situation and prospects of the investment of Chinese Funded Enterprises in Australian mining industry

    • 摘要: 介绍了澳大利亚的自然条件、矿业开发条件、矿业开发存在的问题、矿业投资现状等,在此基础上对在澳大利亚进行矿业开发的主要风险进行了分析,并对在澳矿业开发投资的有关方面提出了建议。认为当代中国投资者只有在认清当前形势,理清投资思路、优化投资策略的前提下,才能在激烈的国际矿业投资竞争中取得优势,并树立中国企业在世界经济舞台上的崭新形象。


      Abstract: This paper deals with the natural background, the conditions and problems of mining development, and the present mining investment situation in Australia. On such a basis, the main risks of the mining development in Australia are analyzed, and some suggestions related to the investment in mining industry in Australia are put forward. The authors hold that the Chinese investors should understand the current situation, clarify investment ideas and optimize the investment strategy so as to gain advantages in the fierce international mining investment competition and establish a completely new image of Chinese enterprises at the world economic stage.


