The Fiji platform has a thick, youthful crust of ensimatic origin,and its metallization is related to tectonic evolution. Stratigraphy within the Fiji Islands indicates a history restricted to the Cenozoic, with volcanic rocks, principally submarine fragmental types with related sediments, dominating the succession. There are also carbonate sediments and plutonic rocks of gabbroic to tonalitic composition which were intruded during an important middle to late Miocene tectonic event. Mineral deposits in Fiji Islands include various types of massive sulfide deposits, porphyry Cu-Au deposits, skarn deposits, epithermal Au deposits, sedimentary manganese deposits, residual deposits and placer deposits. Four distinct stages in the development of Fiji Islands have been identified. These stages are related to changes in tectonic development and are reflected in the spatial land temporal distribution of various styles of mineralization presently found across Fiji Islands.