
    The high-precision magnetic survey explanation of concealed faults in Kamoshite area of Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 喀默什特南部戈壁覆盖区存在东西向正磁异常带,长约11km,在进行高精度磁法测量后推测为基性或超基性物质反磁化的反映。为了给出正磁异常带合理的解释,沿异常带垂直方向布设1∶10000剖面,通过离散小波分解对剖面磁测数据进行精细化处理,得到不同深度范围内异常的分布。结合欧拉反褶积运算、归一化总梯度处理及空间域解析延拓进一步判断异常特征,发现该异常主要由断裂引起,为塔什纳拉他乌推覆体所引起的断裂在喀默什特南部的延伸段。


      Abstract: There are widespread Quaternary overburdens in the south of Kamoshite, where there exists a EW-trending positive magnetic anomaly belt about 11km long, which is supposed to be the reflection of basic or ultrabasic material reversed magnetization. In order to give a reasonable explanation, the authors arranged 1∶10000 profiles to trace the strike of the anomaly. Through the fine discrete wavelet processing, the anomalies distributions at different depths were detected. Combined with Euler Deconvolution operation and normalized total gradient domain processing, it is found that the anomaly is mainly caused by fault, which is the extension of the fault caused by Tash Narayan nappe in Kamoshite.


