
    The ground high accuracy magnetic survey anomaly in Karaqi area, Xinjiang, and its explanation

    • 摘要: 新疆哈拉奇地区位于西南天山与塔里木盆地接触部位,属于航空磁法测量的边缘区,未开展过地面物探工作。此次开展地面高精度磁测工作,划分了6个区域磁异常区,圈定了3处次级高磁异常和1处局部高磁异常。推断区域磁异常由隐伏基性侵入岩、基底引起,次级高磁异常由构造引起,局部异常由矿体引起。磁异常解释为地质研究、寻找磁性矿产提供了参考依据。


      Abstract: Karaqi area lies in the contact part between Southwest Tianshan Mountains and Tarim Basin in Xinjiang and belongs to the edge area of airborne magnetic survey, where no ground geophysical survey has been conducted. Based on high-accuracy ground magnetic survey, the authors divided the area into six regional magnetic anomaly zones and delineated three second-order high magnetic anomalies and 1 local high magnetic anomaly. The regional magnetic anomalies might result from the basic intrusive rock and the basement, the secondary high magnetic anomalies are probably caused by the structure, and the local anomaly results probably from the ore body. The results obtained by the authors provide valuable reference for geological study and prospecting for magnetic mineral resources.


